Titania | Thursday, April 22, 2021
An open letter to all members of the Fairy Investigation Club
It is difficult for me to write this post, let alone to write in my usual cadence. I can’t keep that up anymore. I feel like I’ve lost many things the past few days, primarily, my best friend. A missing person’s report has officially been filed for Aerin, but somehow I don’t think they will be able to do anything about it. Morgan and I started this club with Aerin due to her enthusiasm and pure optimism that sharing information on this world she truly believed in would broaden people’s own worlds and perhaps even bring them joy. As of now, however, the club will be disbanded. This was her idea, her baby, and without her, I cannot help but feel we’ve lost the engine and the heart. It was short-lived, but I at least hope that it made someone happy to know our interests were shared.
-Vice President Tatiana/“Titania”

Robin: wait what?! WHY? Why would you shut it down?!

Morgan: Did you not read the post? Hell, were you not here for everything? The president is missing. Our friend! Is gone! We couldn’t possibly continue.

Robin: It's not like she's dead! she chose to go out there by herself and she even belongs there, what's the problem?! I thought you guys had the same interests

Avery: dude you’re being kinda tone-deaf here...

Titania: Listen, if this is punishment for not listening to her in the first place, I would accept that. Fae have been proven real. If you knew that the whole time, then congrats, you win. But you don’t seem to understand how much this hurts us. Knowing what we know, how the fae work, people don’t come back from the realm of the fae. To have our friend just taken away after knowing her for years hurts. Trying to reassure me that she’s not dead, it doesn’t help because it’s as if she is… She was the one who was really running this whole thing so there’s nothing to do but shut the club down.

Robin: WHAT THE HELL? This isn’t what I wanted! This wasn’t supposed to happen at all!