Robin | Thursday, April 22, 2021
I have a confession to make.
I guess I need to come out and admit to you all something, though, by nature of even being able to post, I suspect you’ll already know…
My full name is Robin Goodfellow. I am Puck.
In the eyes of modern times, it feels like we have been forgotten so I couldn’t help but gravitate toward this little club you made dedicated to people like us. To find one of us hidden among you made me happy.
You may already know my history. I am a trickster, a jester, and oftentimes a fool. I guess it’s in my nature. I’ve gotten on the bad side of the Court many times, not to mention numerous mortals. None of us fae really understand mortals well, but I know I can go too far with my games sometimes.
Everyone is unhappy and it is my fault.
All I wanted was for all of us to have fun.
So I’m going to fix it.

Titania: How exactly are you going to fix this? Are you going to give my friend back?

Robin: Give me a moment. I’m setting something up.

Avery: How do we know you're not lying to us again?

Robin: I promise.

Morgan: If I recall correctly, fae take promises very seriously but also use exact words. What exactly do you promise?