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Titania | Wednesday, April 21, 2021
You're gonna want to hear this.
Earlier today Aerin had sent me a sound file.
Apparently, she decided to go investigate on her own last night following the riddle instructions which I previously said was a bad idea. But these files make me even more concerned.
I can't make out what the second recording is... it sounds altered.

Morgan: This sounds pretty odd. You sure this isn't fake?

Titania: I hope it is, but I haven’t heard anything from Aerin since she left. I’ve been messaging her like crazy with no reply until this.

Avery: Maybe she's busy with a project right now? finals week is coming up and teachers love to drop big projects around now.

Titania: Maybe… I’m still worried.

Morgan: Well, I am sure there is some reason for this audio because she doesn’t send us random things like this without reason. Though with how weird everything has been lately I’m not sure anymore.

Avery: Yeah, I figured this wasn’t normal for the club but who knows frats do weirder stuff with their first years.

Robin: What if it wasn't her who sent it?

Morgan: I am sure that if we listen to the audio as I said before we can get to the bottom of this so while I get where you are coming from Titania. I think we should try to not let a gut feeling make us go into panic mode.

Robin: Took a listen. Did you hear what he called her?
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