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Aerin | Tuesday, April 20, 2021
The Box is Locked!
This box was left outside my door along with the pictures, but I wanted to make this its own post. It’s locked up so I can’t open it. There weren't any other notes left with it so I’m not sure yet what the code is, but if we all work on it together, we might be able to crack it.


Morgan: Looks like the lock needs 3 digits.

Titania: Why are we indulging this person?

Aerin: Like I said, I’m too curious.

Titania: This goes a bit beyond curiosity, Aerin!

Aerin: But just think! REAL PIXIES! REAL FAIRIES! HERE!!! That’s why we made this club! Isn’t this why we’re here? It’s why I’m here! That’s why I can’t let this opportunity slip by!

Robin: well someones rollin in clover right now

Titania: But we’re letting this guy just run us around.

Avery: it does kinda feel like we’re bein pranked...

Aerin: And isn’t that just what the fae do?

Morgan: I mean… if it really means this much to you...

Aerin: Yes, it does. I can’t explain it but I need to open this box. I just do.
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